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University Libraries Hosts Montclair Literary Festival Book Talk: Bilingual Lives, American Stories

Posted in: Homepage Features

three authors speaking about book

On April 27, 2024, as part of the Montclair Literary Festival, University Libraries hosted a book talk at the Alumni Green Overlook in Sprague Library. It was led by Cleyvis Natera, author of Neruda on the Park, which was awarded a Silver Medal by the International Latino Book Awards for Best First Book of Fiction in 2023.

Natera, Deborah Paredez, chair of the creative writing program at Columbia University and author of American Diva, and Angie Cruz, award-winning author of How Not To Drown in A Glass of Water, a work recognized by the New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2022, delved into their multicultural and bilingual backgrounds and how they aided in crafting powerful and moving narratives.

After the insightful discussion, all three authors chatted with the over 40 attendees and signed copies of their books, provided by the Montclair’s indie bookstore Watchung Booksellers.

two authors speaking about book
Left to right: Deborah Paredez, Angie Cruz
audience watching book talk
Audience enjoying the Bilingual Lives, American Stories book talk at the Alumni Green Overlook.
authors at book signing
Authors signing their books and chatting with attendees.
group of people at alumni green overlook
Left to right: Mark Rotella (Coccia Institute Director), Cleyvis Natera, Margot Sage-EL (Owner of Watchung Booksellers), Deborah Paredez, Danianne Mizzy (Dean of Libraries), and Angie Cruz.